A good fit and good feedback— Luce Farm products at OSM

I’ve been selling Luce Farm hemp-infused products here in the store for nearly two months now. More than 200 jars have gone through the doors, and I’ve received nothing but positive feedback from everyone who has tried it. Their reasons for trying CBD oil have ranged from minor aches and pains, to ADD, anxiety, sleep disorders, digestive issues, psoriasis, chronic pain and side effects from kidney failure and cancer treatments. I’d used CBD oil myself, for joint pain, but honestly hadn’t looked into its other uses until people started requesting it. As I do with all of the products here, from a bar of soap or pair of mittens, to a head of lettuce or rack of ribs, I find out where it’s coming from. Are they all natural ingredients? Are the animals treated ethically? How are you storing your product? How are your employees being treated? All of these factors, and many more, come into play when I decide what I want to offer in the store. While I strive to carry as mu...